What to do with Mr. Poncho?

It’s official I don’t know what I’m gonna do anymore. I’ve hit a point where between my knees and my finances I don’t know what to do with Poncho anymore.
Should I sell him?
Should I lease him out?
Should I keep him?
Obviously I don’t want him to go anywhere but I also don’t want it to get to the point that I feel like I’m not giving him everything he needs.

I hate having to be a grown – up sometimes!

Poncho’s way of making up for my knee problems.

He decided to mess his up too!

It looks much, much better in the picture. When I got out there Wednesday evening to assess the damage it was about 2x that size and oozing like crazy! Luckily it looked worse than it was. Nothing major was affected. It was just pricey to fix up.

So now I don’t need to feel too bad about not riding because Pony’s out of commission for  a little while now anyways. Go figure!

My knee and my riding.

On Wednesday I finally got in at the doctors to see what’s going on with my knee. I did get some answers but NOT what I wanted to hear.

So the run down is…
-my hips turn inwards which
-makes my knee cap sit on the outside of my femur bone NOT in the knee groove
-there is nothing you can really do to correct it
-I can try physical therapy plus a knee brace to manage it
-I should/will grow out of it by the time I’m 30 (I turn 20 next week)
Obviously I was hoping for better news because there is absolutely no pain pill that I can take that will relieve the pain in any way shape or form. Plus the more I push it, it will give out and hurt 10x worse than it already does. As it is I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night because it hurts and from the time I wake up it only gets worse as the day goes on.

So how will this affect my riding? I have no clue what I am going to with Poncho at this point. I did a quick ride on him yesterday and it was soooo fun to ride BUT excruciating to do. Of course I can’t just wait 10 years to ride again, he’s not going to sit around that long. So I’m going to be stressing over this for the next several weeks while I see if there’s anything this physical therapist may be able to do for me.

I’m definitely feeling pretty bad about this whole situation. And no one really seems to understand just how much all this upsets me as far as my riding goes. I wanted to go FAR and it looks like that dream died on Wednesday 😦

What happens when I can’t ride!

So I don’t think i’ve mentioned on here before all my knee problems..so we’ll just stick with they’ve gotten BAD and I haven’t been riding too much because of it.

So what do I do when I can’t ride and I get bored….

hmmm, where did all this come from?

That’s right Poncho’s gonna rock the mohawk look again! I think he looks sooo cute when it starts to grow out a little!